Bliss Charity

Class 6 Learning Resources

Class 6 Information

Coming Up...

11 Feb
Safer Internet Day
Date 11.02.2025
11 Feb
C5 trip to National Space Centre
11.02.2025 09:00 - 15:30
12 Feb
C6 Walk out Wednesday
12.02.2025 14:50 - 15:15
14 Feb
Class 5 Swimming
14.02.2025 12:30 - 14:30
14 Feb
School closes for half-term
14.02.2025 15:15 - 15:15
17 Feb
Spring half-term
17.02.2025 - 21.02.2025

Monday at Kingswood

Hello from Kingswood,

Children have really settled well and they are a credit to you all - fantastic manners on display; they are kind, caring and motivating towards each other; and they are putting their metacognitive skills and attitudes to brilliant effect!

Monday started with groups taking part in Jacob’s ladder. This required them to work with a partner to climb up a huge wooden ladder. Finn was brilliant - he got all the way to the top! Skye, May, Owen, Leo, Ellie, Sofia, Hannah and Aaron all demonstrated resilience and kept on trying even though it was tough.

The weather then decided to do its worst as we headed off to orienteering. Again, collaboration was the aim of the game and children worked in groups to follow maps and remember codes.

After lunch, children were given giant Meccano sets and asked to make the tallest tower. Hope, Kyla, Evie, Evan, May, Amber, Sophie, Katie, Sofia, Lexi, Mia and Leo all worked particularly brilliantly with their groups, engaging resilience and communicating effectively. They then had to design their own unique inventions and pitch them to the ‘Dragons’ in the den; the Zimmer-wheel, the SPB (Solar Powered Boat) and the Clock-a-frame all had their own USPs (reasoned by the teams) and so their diplomatic teacher awarded them all funding.

After this, it was on to bottle rocket making where more collaboration was needed - all designs were fantastic, some more aesthetically pleasing than others! Luke, Ethan, Abbie, Poppy, Lucy S, Lucy L, Leo, Finn, Ollie and Sofia were all in their element in this task!!

Go-karting was great fun too. William did loads of donuts and went backwards round the track, thoroughly enjoying himself - Jenson Button eat your heart out!! -  and Alfie and Evan won the timed laps. George arrived with us just in time for a few laps of the track too! Orla was amazing at motivating everyone and taking pride in her own and others’ achievements.

After tea, there was just time for Bella, Sofia and Kyla to take on Mrs S at Boggle before the camp fire. Luckily, the weather had cleared and we could be outside. We had 5 leaders setting us up with a roaring fire, loads of stories and songs plus hot choc and marshmallows.

Participation from all children has been fantastic - we are very proud of what they’ve achieved so far. Keep following our tweets via the school website for up-to-date pictures.

Miss T, Mrs S & Mr C

Friday 3rd March

Hi everyone,

A quick update about yesterday's activities. The morning saw us all having a go at 'side by side' - buggy driving with a passenger. Children enjoyed having to put it in gear to go and having a reverse parking challenge at the end. Theo was in his element and Jen really pushed herself to try something new!

Then it was on to abseiling - some children who were afraid of heights just went to the top of the tower, others were happy to walk their way down. Special mention goes to Charli and Tate as they were very frightened yet pushed themselves to do it!

Other activities involved laser quest (lots of fun and giggling involved), aeroball (bouncing on a trampoline whilst trying to score baskets), orienteering and team challenge (physical problem solving). We really had a good day!

After starting our packing, we had movie night and watched 'home'. Miraculously no one fell asleep during the film.

We celebrated world book day with a bit more of our novel, shared highlights of our day and then it didn't take long for us all to get to sleep!

This morning we've fuelled up and we are off to our last activities. Dorms are clear and our luggage pile seems to have grown!

The children have done you all proud whilst we've been away. I am very proud of their behaviour around the centre and also the way they have supported each other. It has been a really great trip.

We are all looking forward to seeing you later,

The Kingswood team