Bliss Charity

Class 6 Learning Resources

Class 6 Information

Coming Up...

11 Feb
Safer Internet Day
Date 11.02.2025
11 Feb
C5 trip to National Space Centre
11.02.2025 09:00 - 15:30
12 Feb
C6 Walk out Wednesday
12.02.2025 14:50 - 15:15
14 Feb
Class 5 Swimming
14.02.2025 12:30 - 14:30
14 Feb
School closes for half-term
14.02.2025 15:15 - 15:15
17 Feb
Spring half-term
17.02.2025 - 21.02.2025

Kingswood - Monday morning

Hello everyone,

All well here in Kingswood except the weather. So far we have had.............torrential rain, sleet, snow, hail and a glimpse of the sun! Last night we took part in nightline and bouldering as well as murder detective with Mickey Mouse the victim.

All slept well from 10.30pm onwards. Kim and Ben say it is a record and the head should be there every year. Amazing what a few well phrased threats will do!

Today we have bouldering, caving, go karts, initiative test and a few other choice activities. The boys are the tidiest so far.

All the children tucked in well to beans and sausage with hash browns, fruit, cereal and yoghurt this morning....staff as well.

I will try and update as often as humanly possible - and the timetable allows.

The children all send their love and say they are missing you a bit but I am not sure this is the case with yourselves!

Best wishes from a freezing and very damp Kingswood,

Mr Scanlan, Mrs Bastin and Big Ben